Warrensburg Economic Development Committee

Vision Statement and Goals

The Mission of the Warrensburg Chamber and EDC

Promoting sustainable economic development that strengthens our community, provides quality jobs and preserves the unique natural, historical, and cultural characteristics of our community.


The shared vision of the Warrensburg Chamber of Commerce (WCOC) and Warrensburg Economic Development Council (WEDC) , is for a strong community, vibrant downtown area, steeped in history, offering employment and services to residents. The region is in the Champlain-Hudson Corridor, one of the world’s richest international markets. Businesses participate in the growing and challenging world economy. The diversified land areas are characterized by the Adirondack High Peaks, and the many lakes, streams, and rivers. These unique features define vibrant four-season tourist and recreational industries that strengthens the economy and supports our community.

Recreational opportunities and natural beauty abound for both residents and visitors. Historic and environmental preservation is revered. Children learn in community schools that offer safe education at the cutting edge of technology. Challenging jobs offering a living, family wage await graduates. Economic and community growth is managed and planned, thereby preserving historic community centers while offering full employment to residents. It is an area where the quality of life, one of the most valuable assets, is revered by residents and envied by visitors.

Programs initiated and individual projects supported by The Chamber and WEDC must meet the objectives of the mission and vision statements to receive assistance. To this end, the WCOCO and WEDC Planning Board has adopted priorities that identify those areas of greatest need in our community, enhance the Town’s competitive advantages, reflect the current resources, represent the best use of those resources, and will have positive economic, ecological and social impacts. The main economic development goals of the WCOC and WEDC are:

1. Development of the Workforce

• strive to achieve full employment.

• increase job opportunities through business and economic development efforts.

• improve job skills of existing workers to meet the needs of the future.

• support job retention efforts.

• support job retraining.

• support career development in the schools.


2. Development of the Infrastructure (water, sewer, gas, electric and telecommunications)

• provide infrastructure to upgrade and renovate industrial sites.

• improve access in rural areas.

• extend services into growth areas (including new business parks).

• continue upgrades of telecommunications technology.

• improve outdated and antiquated systems.

• reduce the costs of energy.

• utilize existing capacity.

• improve support services to existing business.


3. Improving Transportation

• improve access to I-87 from rural communities.

• encourage the most appropriate mix of transportation modes.

• improve traffic flow in congested areas.

• encourage access management planning.


4. Promoting Recreation and Tourism

• promote and expand regional tourism attractions.

• encourage the coordination of tourism activities.

• encourage development of “off-season” attractions.

• support development of convention centers.


5. Leveraging Capital Resources

• promote consolidation and coordination of programs and activities.

• promote grantsmanship.