Place of Worships

Assembly of God Church 3990 Main Street 623-2282

Church of the Holy Cross 57 Main Street 623-3066

Faith Baptist Church 4 Burhans Avenue 623-4071

First Baptist Church of WBG 3850 Main Street623-9373

First United Methodist Church 3890 Main Street 623-9334

Free Methodist Church 250 River Street 623-3023

Jehovah’s Witnesses 69 Schroon River Road 623-4601

Presbyterian Church 2 Stewart Farrar Avenue 623-2723

St Cecilias Catholic Church 3802 Main Street 623-3021

Christian Worship Center 7 Pine Tree Lane 744-8187

Pentecostal Holiness Association 37 Smith Street 251-2079

[All phone numbers are area code 518 unless otherwise noted. All Houses-of-Worship that are located within the Town of Warrensburg are offered a free listing on the Chamber's website. If you notice that your House-of-Worship is not listed here and would like to have it listed on the Chamber's webpage, please contact us at]

Hickory Ski Center

Hickory Ski Center

43 Hickory Hill Rd,Warrensburg, NY  12885